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Re: patch: newline-and-indent speaks despite quiet mode

I'm unable to repro this using either the Dectalk or Viavoice Outloud.
>>>>> "Jarek" == Jarek Czekalski <jarekczek@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
    Jarek> W dniu 2013-10-25 17:30, T.V. Raman pisze:
    >> Hitting C-u C-e dq definitely silences everything
    >> including indentation messages at my end.
    Jarek> Steps to reproduce the bug:
    Jarek> 1. Start Emacspeak without additional files, like user
    Jarek> init file. Best to be done starting emacspeak through
    Jarek> provided script, emacspeak 2. C-x C-f start new buffer
    Jarek> with name aaa 3. C-u C-e d q 4. C-j - launch the
    Jarek> command newline-and-indent from keyboard shortcut
    Jarek> Expected behaviour: silence Found: the message is
    Jarek> spoken: "indent zero"
    Jarek> Testing environment: Emacspeak r8449 on Ubuntu 13.04
    Jarek> with Emacs 23.4
    Jarek> Jarek
    Jarek> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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