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Re: network-interface-list on Windows

Hi Lubos

All the patches that are needed to run Windows version are listed here: [1]
The very patch you ask about is here: [2]

But I think it would be easier for you to just install the Windows binary version [3] and then work on it.

Once you're ready to deploy your speech server, we will think about the best way to merge it with the current release.

BTW, I plan to release a new version in a matter of hours, with info issue fixed.


[1] http://sourceforge.net/p/emacspeakwin/code/HEAD/tree/trunk/packaging/windows/patches/ [2] http://sourceforge.net/p/emacspeakwin/code/HEAD/tree/trunk/packaging/windows/patches/network_interface.txt
[3] http://sourceforge.net/projects/emacspeakwin/files

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