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Re: emacspeak for windows 38.04

Hi Florian

This is something I am not able to test. No one send so far a report precisely describing where an easy to distinguish pitch change should be heard.

Secondly, no one reported, whether the pitch changes occur in Linux espeak version. If on Linux pitch doesn't change, I am afraid it also won't work on Windows.

So, with a common effort we are possibly able to solve the issue.


W dniu 2013-10-28 23:23, Florian-achtige pisze:

I see in the changelog that the tts was not properly found and that
this was fixed in 38.03. Does that mean pitch changes should work now?
Because I'm afraid to say they still are quite absent here.


2013/10/28, Jarek Czekalski <jarekczek@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
Currently much changes are being introduced in core Emacspeak
repository, so I didn't pull the fresh copy. Instead I took the same
revision as for Emacspeak for Windows 38.03 (r8421), but applied the
critical fixes. I hope we have a stable version now.

    - Fixed some Info pages not being read.
    - Fixed transient mark mode not working.
    - Fixed indentation message in quiet mode.

Download link:

Thanks to Raman for giving us Emacpspeak and for the continous development!

Happy listening!


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