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tetris.el in Emacspeak repository

The tetris.el in the Emacspeak repo  is  the  one     that works
with Emacspeak.

A  feww years ago the Emacs  repo updated the tetris.el that is
bundled with Emacs --- that update changed the representation of
tiles and consequently introduced an off-by-one bug that I could
not track down and fix.  

M-x locate-library tetris should tell you which one you'e loading.
>>>>> "Lubos" == Lubos Pintes <lubos.pintes@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
    Lubos> Hi, I noticed that a version of tetris.el is located
    Lubos> in the Emacspeak repository. Both versions are 2.01,
    Lubos> but one in the Emacspeak is bigger. Any good reason
    Lubos> for this? Also, which version is run when I issue a
    Lubos> tetris command?
    Lubos> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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