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Stjrange Emacspeak and flyhck bug

Hi Raman,

I think I've discovered an odd and a little nasty/sneaky bug with latest git version of emacspeak. This one is tricky to pin down, but I have confirmed that the problem does not occur if I'm not running emacspeak. I've found this happens on both my Linux box as well as Mac. 

The problem....

When editing _javascript_ code, if I type something which flycheck thinks is invalid i.e. has a syntax error, it appears that the status of the file is changed to unmodified. If you then save the files, all changes made are not saved (because the file is now marked as unmodified). 

So far, I've been able to verify that this problem does not occur unless emacspeak is loaded. 

To reproduce, just open a file with a js extension and start to enter some _javascript_. In my test, I entered the following lines

"use strict";


and noticed the file mode change to unmodified as soon as flycheck ran its check.

if you wait just a few seconds (long enough for the flycheck parser to try parsing your code), you get an error and the file is changed to unmodified.

if you keep typing, even once you get to the end of the line and add the semicolan, each character types sees the file immediately revert to unmodified until you hit a newline at the end - at that point, it stays marked as being modified.

I will try to narrow the issue down by reverting to earlier versions of Emacspeak, but wanted to let you know about this issue asap as it can have some unpredictable impact - the problem is, if you type pretty fast and your last line has no errors and you hit return, then all is fine. However, if the flycheck parser kicks in at just the wrong time and you don't hit enter before you save, your last 'chunk' of editing will just be lost (but shows up in the buffer), so weird things begin to hppen. I thought I was going mad - I was making changes to a _javascript_ file, I'd save my changes and then I'd go to do a git checkin and it would tell me there were no files modified. When I look at the buffer, my changes were there, but when I killed the buffer and reloaded from the file, they were gone and I'd see there was a .#file# in the directory. 

I'll try reverting Emacspeak and do some disecting to try and narrow this down, but thought I'd mention it now in case there was some cleanup you did and this might trigger something for you.




Tim Cross

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