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[Emacspeak] Re: Getting Started

For Ubuntu, install Emacs:
sudo apt install emacs
also install git, mplayer, espeak-ng, tcl, and tclx You might have to instal tcl-dev* or tclx-dev* if it exists.


git clone https://www.github.com/tvraman/emacspeak/
cd emacspeak

now you have two options. Well, you could have more, but I doubt you have any hardware speech synthesizers. You can use ESpeak, and it works okay, but doesn't sound great. Or, you can install Voxin, from:

Voxin: Home (oralux.org)

It sounds a lot better, and works better with Emacspeak, too. Now, if you want to use Emacspeak with ESpeak:

make espeak

or with Voxin:

make outloud

Do pay attention to any error messages you get during any of these steps. If it says you don't have something, like:

make: GCC: command not found

install GCC like:

sudo apt install gcc

also it's a good idea to have the command-not-found package:

sudo apt install command-not-found

Now, install nano:

sudo apt install nano

and do

nano ~/.emacs.el

and paste, or write, the following, using the call to the speech server you're going to use:

(load-file "~/emacspeak/lisp/emacspeak-setup.el")
;; If you're using ESpeak:
;; (espeak)
;; If you're using Voxin:

If you don't git clone stuff into the root of your home directory, which you shouldn't do as I do because it can get messy if you let it, do change the load path to wherever you cloned Emacspeak.

The call to the speech server is a hack and Doctor Raman may have a good 16 reasons not to do this, but it works, and I don't have to fiddle with .profile, .bash_profile, .bashrc, .shrc, .rc, or any other file to get Emacs working with Emacspeak.

Now, save your .emacs.el file, which Emacs loads when it starts, by pressing Control o, then Enter, then Control x. Now, you should be back at a shell, so try running Emacs by typing


and pressing Enter. Let us know if it works.

On Tue, Nov 30, 2021 at 9:26 AM Richard Wells via Emacspeak <emacspeak@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I have a working ubuntu distribution running on a little laptop, but I can do something different if I need to in order to make the setup easier.

On 11/30/2021 8:27 AM, Devin Prater wrote:
First, which OS are you planning on using Emacspeak on?

On Mon, Nov 29, 2021 at 8:06 PM Richard Wells via Emacspeak <emacspeak@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello: My name is Richard wells. I have been hearing about this
environment for many years but have never investigated it for myself.
For someone like me who has no idea at all where to go to get started,
how would you suggest I begin learning? My experience with computers has
been diverse with some Linux, but mostly Microsoft Windows and Apple
Macintosh. Please be gentle with a user with absolutely no idea of what
emacspeak is and how to get productive using it.
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