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[Emacspeak] Re: installing on Mac osx

Finally, I worked with no errors or wornings!!!!.

Thank you so much!!!

Is there any guide to learn more how to use emacs with emacspeak?

Thank you. 

On Wed, Apr 21, 2021 at 11:02 PM Tim Cross <theophilusx@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Mohammad,

that is a bug, which I thought had been addressed in the sources.
Luckily, it is easily fixed. Add the following line to your .emacs.el
file before the line to load emacspeak-setup.el

(setq tts-default-voice 'alex)

Mohammed Alderweesh <alderweesh.m@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> Hi Tim,
> Thank you for the great efforts> I tried using the .emacs.el you edited, but still with no luck. I tried copying th stack trace, but I was not able to. I
> get the following error:
> Warning (initialization): An error occurred while loading â??/Users/mohammad/.emacs.elâ??:
> Symbol's value as variable is void: tts-default-voice
> To ensure normal operation, you should investigate and remove the
> cause of the error in your initialization file.  Start Emacs with
> the â??--debug-initâ?? option to view a complete error backtrace.
> Note that now when I move by character,  emacspeak speaks the characters.
> Thank you.
> Mohammed
>  On 9 Ram. 1442 AH, at 9:40 AM, Tim Cross <theophilusx@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>  OK, I have attached a modified .emac.el file. Replace your version with
>  the attached version and see if that works better.
>  If you still get errors, try running emacs with the debug-init flag i.e.
>  emacs --debug-init
>  If there is an error, it will provide a backtrace, which will help
>  identify where the problem is.
>  The other thing you should do is verify that the 'mac' speech server is
>  working. Change to the servers directory and run it. You should here it
>  speak. Use Ctl-c to exit. i.e.
>  cd ~/emacspeak/servers
>  ./mac
>  If the 'mac' script is not executable, you will need to make it
>  executable with
>  chmod u+x ./mac
>  What I have done is just add a couple of lines to the .emacs.el file.
>  - Add/set the environment variable EMACSPEAK_DIR to the path to the root
>   of your emacspeak source tree
>  - Add/set the environment variable DTK_PROGRAM to 'mac'. The default
>   speech server is espeak and while you can install and build espeak on
>   the mac, you don't need to. The 'mac' server uses the macOS built-in
>   TTS (same as voiceOver).
>  - Add the emacspeak lisp dir to the load path. Strictly speaking, I'm
>   not sure if you need this as I think it might be done by
>   emacspeak-startup.el, but no harm in making sure.
>  With luck, this should get you working. There will be other things you
>  will want to configure/customize, like speech rate, auditory icons etc,
>  but those are not critical.
>  Note also that if you see 'warnings' from emacs, don't worry too much
>  about them. They are only warnings, not errors and while it is good to
>  get rid of them, they don't always cause harm. They are the sort of
>  thing you can investigate more once your running.
>  <mohammad.el>
>  Mohammed Alderweesh <alderweesh.m@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>  /Users/mohammad/emacspeak
>  Here they are...
>  On Wed, Apr 21, 2021 at 7:36 AM Tim Cross <theophilusx@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>  You might not believe it, but I think we are getting closer!
>  Can you attach a copy of your .emacs.el file? Also, can you cd into the
>  emacspeak lisp directory and execute pwd and paste that it so I know
>  what the full path is to your emacspeak install?
>  Mohammed Alderweesh <alderweesh.m@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>  Hi Victor and Tim,
>  I cloned the git repo from github.
>  I donâ??t  know how to configure the voice server.
>  I replaced make-thread with funcall, and recompiled, but it did not work
>  I also uninstalled emacs and installed the version of emacs suggested by Tim, and it is still not working
>  I get the following error:
>  Warning (initialization): An error occurred while loading â??/Users/mohammad/.emacs.elâ??:
>  error: Specified program for new process is a directory
>  To ensure normal operation, you should investigate and remove the
>  cause of the error in your initialization file.  Start Emacs with
>  the â??--debug-initâ?? option to view a complete error backtrace.
>  Thank you
>  Mohammed
>  On Wed, Apr 21, 2021 at 4:03 AM Tim Cross <theophilusx@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>  Just to be clear, you don't need to be a user of macPorts. The
>  railwaycat cask is a homebrew cask, so it is really just another
>  homebrew formula. Once installed, brew update/upgrade works just the
>  same as if you were using the 'native' emacs build.
>  Victor Tsaran <vtsaran@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>  Sure, that's probably true if you are a user of MacPorts. :)
>  On Tue, Apr 20, 2021 at 5:43 PM Tim Cross <theophilusx@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>  Hi Victor,
>  good point. I had forgotten about this issue, primarily because I'm not
>  impacted by it.
>  Note that the only 'solution' is not just editing to remove calls to
>  make-thread and replace with funcall. You can also install the mac-ports
>  version of emacs using the railwaycat/emacsport/emacs-mac cask. I've
>  been using this version without issue and without needing to modify
>  emacspeak. I think it also has some other advantages and find it works
>  better on the mac than a native build - for example, it has a setting
>  which allows you to turn off voiceOver when running emacs, so you can
>  avoid the issue of voiceOver and emacspeak fighting against each other
>  an not need to turn off voiceOver when using emacspeak. It also seems to
>  integrate better with the rest of macOS and I don't need to do anything
>  'special' to get command/option keys working consistently. I've found no
>  compatibility issues or noticed anything negative compared to using the
>  native build. It is also at version 27.2.
>  See https://github.com/railwaycat/homebrew-emacsmacport for details on
>  how to use this formula with homebrew. You need to remove any other
>  emacs installed via homebrew before installing it.
>  Victor Tsaran <vtsaran@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>  Hello Mohammed!
>  I filed a bug against Emacs developers on precisely this issue. We have discussed it just a few weeks ago.
>  While they are figuring out the cause, which I hope will happen soon or not at all, the only fix that worked is what Raman
>  suggested in
>  one
>  of
>  his
>  earlier messages. Namely:
>  1. Open emacspeak.el in your emacspeak/lisp directory.
>  2. Substitute any calls of "make-thread" with "funcall" (there should be only two occurrences), then save.
>  3. Recompile by running "make emacspeak" in your "emacspeak" directory.
>  You should now be good to go in both Terminal as well the GUI, i.e. if you decide to run Emacs app from the Applications
>  folder.
>  Hope this helps.
>  Victor
>  On Tue, Apr 20, 2021 at 4:30 PM Mohammed Alderweesh <alderweesh.m@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>  Here is the output of echo $path
>  /usr/local/bin /usr/bin /bin /usr/sbin /sbin
>  and here is the output of which emacs:
>  /usr/local/bin/emacs 
>  Note that when I open emacs without loading emacspeak-setup.el, I get the emacs version is 27.2.
>  Thank you.
>  Mohammed
>  On Wed, Apr 21, 2021 at 1:23 AM Tim Cross <theophilusx@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>  I think we first need to verify that your path variable is correct and
>  your running the version of emacs installed by homebrew. Can you run in
>  a terminal the following commands and paste the output in a reply?
>  echo $PATH
>  which emacs
>  and then try running
>  /usr/local/bin/emacs
>  and see if that makes any difference.
>  Mohammed Alderweesh <alderweesh.m@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>  Hi Tim,
>  I used:
>  brew install -cask emacs
>  Then, I built emacspeak using:
>  make config
>  make emacspeak
>  Then, I added the following to .emacs.el:
>  (load-file â??~/emacspeak/lisp/emacspeak-setup.elâ??)
>  When I remove this line from the .emacs.el, emacs works normally.
>  The version of emacs is 27.2
>  When I use the command
>  Emacs
>  I get the error mentioned in the last email.
>  When I use the command:
>  emacspeak
>  I get command not found.
>  Thank you
>  Mohammed
>  On Tue, Apr 20, 2021 at 8:16 AM Tim Cross <theophilusx@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>  How did you install Emacs? What version is it?
>  What is the exact command your running in the terminal to start emacsthe
>  What do you have in your emacs init file?
>  This looks like a low level emacs error and not specific to emacspeak.
>  The error seems related to memory allocation. My guess is that the build
>  of emacs has not worked correctly.
>  Make sure your running a recent version of Emacs (macOS comes with a
>  very old version of Emacs which will not work with emacspeak).
>  Mohammed Alderweesh <alderweesh.m@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>  Hello list,
>  My name is Mohammed Alderweesh. This is my first time posting to this list. I am trying to run emacs on Mac os
>  x, I installed the
>  required
>  packages,
>  but when I try running it from the terminal I get the following error:
>  2021-04-20 05:17:01.372 Emacs-x86_64-10_14[10274:228475] Warning: Expected min height of view:
>  (<NSButton:
>  0x7fbe575bced0>) to be
>  less
>  than or equal to 30 but got a height of 32.000000. This error will be logged once per view in violation.
>  2021-04-20 05:17:01.377 Emacs-x86_64-10_14[10274:228475] Warning: Expected min height of view:
>  (<NSButton:
>  0x7fbe576376c0>) to be
>  less
>  than or equal to 30 but got a height of 32.000000. This error will be logged once per view in violation.
>  Emacs-x86_64-10_14(10274,0x700005a4f000) malloc: *** error for object 0x7000062509f8: pointer being freed
>  was not allocated
>  Emacs-x86_64-10_14(10274,0x700005a4f000) malloc: *** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
>  Fatal error 4: Illegal instruction
>  zsh: abort      emacs
>  Can you please help me into how to run the software?
>  Thank you.
>  Mohammed
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>  --
>  Tim Cross
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>  Tim Cross
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>  --
>  Tim Cross
>  --
>  Tim Cross
>  --
>  Tim Cross
>  [4. application/emacs-lisp; .emacs.el]...
>  --
>  Tim Cross

Tim Cross

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