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[Emacspeak] Evil Mode inconsistencies

Hey all!

I am trying to understand why in evil mode the forward-char and backward-char readouts are 
inconsistent.  For example if you were on the "c" in the word "cat" and moved to the right, 
placing you on the "a", it would read out "c" (the char your moved off of), but in the other 
direction, moving backward, it reads the char your land on.

It is very easy to fix, but before I submit a patch for it, is there a logic here I am missing?
Seems to me it should read the char that you land on when going forward consistent with
what it does when you are moving backward. 

For other evil users, while I am in here, any other inconsistencies I should look into? 

Robert "robertmeta" Melton

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