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[Emacspeak] Strange speech in TOML files

Hi All

Has anyone else noticed strange characters being read in certain TOML files, for example the Cargo.toml in rust projects?  I'll copy a minimal example below, if you save in a .toml file and you're using the outloud server then speaking the [dependencies] line seems to include something like "v y 24".

I think the TOML mode built into Emacs is doing something buggy with text properties.  If I query the properties of the d in dependencies then it seems to have the same property repeated very many times.  This probably causes something broken to be sent to the server (when voice-lock is enabled).

If this is reproducible then I should probably submit a bug report to the maintainers of the TOML mode, although I'm not sure how to do that.  IN the meantime can Emacspeak be fixed or do we not want to work around such broken inputs?

Best wishes


Here's the TOML:

name = "test"
# See more keys and their definitions at https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html

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