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partial success

the dectalk express and dtk pc are identical as far as
command sets go
so you should not have to modify anything.

A few years ago someone had done the work to make the dtkpc
look like a serial device to Linux --
did you try finding that before rolling your own?

My understanding was that with that support the dtk-exp
server worked with the Dectalk PC as is to be expected--
though I cannot confirm this in any way since I dont have
one of those "accursed " devices as you call them.
>>>>> "tyler" == tyler spivey <tspivey8@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    tyler> emacspeak was speaking (sort of) with the dectalk
    tyler> pc over a serial port.  no indexing, i'll fix
    tyler> that when i get the time (kind of hard).  if
    tyler> anybody else has one of these cursed devices, i
    tyler> can send you the images.  i've still gotta modify
    tyler> the speech server (dtk-exp or dtk-mv) to work
    tyler> properly.  - tyler spivey

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