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Thanks Giving Release

look in the cvs repository on sourceforge --all I do to make a
release is pack up what is current third week of November
and last week of April.

When running emacspeak use command 
M-x emacspeak-cvs-get-anonymous --
>>>>> "Saqib" == Saqib Shaikh <ss@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    Saqib> Hi All, In a recent posting regarding
    Saqib> documentation Jennifer Jobst wrote:

    Saqib> final version of the Guide that will be
    Saqib> distributed with the Thanksgiving release of
    Saqib> Emacspeak.

    Saqib> This roused my curiosity somewhat.  Does anyone
    Saqib> have any information on what's going to be new in
    Saqib> the new release, or am I being too impatient.

    Saqib> Thanks, Saqib

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Best Regards,

Email:  raman@xxxxxxxxxxx
WWW: http://www.cs.cornell.edu/home/raman/             
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