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ssh-outloud speech server

you should use neither ears nor diff --that what  ediff is
and if you're incapable of typing tar xfvz; make cnfig ;

--and instead wait for someone to create a debian package
for you, then I'm afraid there is little hope left for you.

>>>>> "Bart" == Bart Bunting <bart@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    Bart> Raman,

    Bart> My apologies.  I missed the string-match when I
    Bart> was comparing the two files.  That will teach me
    Bart> to use diff rather than just ears to compare
    Bart> files.

    Bart> *grin*

    Bart> The reason I'm not running the latest version on
    Bart> the machine in question is that I'm using the
    Bart> debian package on that particular machine and the
    Bart> deb hasn't been updated to 16.0 as yet.

    Bart> Bart

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Best Regards,

Email:  raman@xxxxxxxxxxx
WWW: http://www.cs.cornell.edu/home/raman/             
AIM: TVRaman
PGP:    http://www.cs.cornell.edu/home/raman/raman.asc 

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