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Availability of Emacspeak

Hello everybody,
I am overwhelmed by the helpful letters from the folks on this list and
feel that help is on hand if and when I need it. Iwill not put all my
thank you letters on the list --- after all it is an off-topic kind of
issue. I'll write to those who had suggestions. 

But I would appreciate receiving Robert's addendum to the Emacspeak
manual in texi format.

I am not sure that the Debian route is the easiest for me. I work from a
dial-up connection (broad-band is a distant dream in India, or at least
my nick-of-the-woods) and getting everything from the Debian site is not
really a feasible proposition. I did (with help from sighted and more
a computer-savvy friend) install festival which has `some support for
emacs' but all I use it for is to read long chunks of text like Robert's
letter. Installing festival from sources is a troublesome business. I
will check if my Linux distro (SuSE 7.3)  has rpm's for eflite in which
case I will install it and then try to install Emacspeak -- or should it
be the other way around? Then use Robert's emacspeak-eflite script. Is
that the way to go, Robert?

Anyway thanks a lot to everyone for their courtesy and patience.

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