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Re: Running Other Screen-Readers?

Hart Larry writes:
 > Well, I just joined this list this Friday.  From the start I know nothing about 
 > emacs, as I usually run nano or pico for an editor.
 > Actually, as emacspeak has such good support for the dectalk, I wonder if 
 > instead of running speakup here in Linux, if I some how could load whatever 
 > dectalk-pc drivers through emacspeak--and then run YASR?

This combination works well for console access, at least with the
 DECTALK Express, but see my comments below. Yasr also supports
 Emacspeak speech servers.

 >  Since I am fairly 
 > new in linux I am quite comfortable with a Vocal-Eyes style screen-reader, with 
 > great dictionary support.

If you like Emacspeak, you may not want or need a "screen reader"
anymore. Emacspeak is not just a text editor; it is more of a desktop
environment, supporting Web browsing, e-mail, a diary, file
management, a spreadsheet, programming tools and much else. All of these
are integrated into a highly effective spoken interface by Emacspeak.
For this reason, you may not need a console-level screen reader,
though it might be useful to keep one on hand for system upgrades or
maintenance scenarios in which Emacs is unavailable but you still need
access to the machine.

Of course, it is entirely your choice to what extent you use Emacs
as your primary work environment.

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