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None of my other speech servers talk except for eflite

A couple of things to consider -

The latest version of emacspeak is version 21. I suspect the debian
package version is much older than that.

You do not say what version of the dectalk software you are
running. The dtk-soft speech server does not work with version 5.0 of
the software dectalk. I have hacked a version which does work and
which can be found on my website at

With most of the software based synthesizes supported by emacspeak in
its base distribution, you need to build the Tcl shared library the
scripts use. Therefore you need to go to

where <server_lib> is the subdirectory of the servers directory which
contains the C/C++ sources for the Tcl shared library. Note that you
will need to get the new version from my website to run the software
dectalk 5.0. You will need to do a 'make' after installing the code. 

The good news is that I use Debian as my preferred distro as well and
have been running the software dectalk for quite some time. It works
quite well, but the server does die quite often and I need to hit C-e
C-s to restart it - I still prefer doing this and getting the quality
speech it provides than using festival or eflite (which are both still
quite good and what I use as my emergency tts engines). 


jim grimsby writes:
 > Hi, 
 > I installed emacspeak on my debien system as follows. 
 > Apt-get install emacspeak-ss this installed emacs21 emacspeak and the
 > emacspeak servers.   Before I issue this command I installed flite
 > speech-dispatcher and yasr.  I also have speakup installed using 2.0 cvs
 > and kernel image 2.4.27 
 > The command I used to install speech-dispatcher flite festival and yasr
 > was this 
 > Apt-get install flite festival speech-dispatcher eflite ya 
 > Yasr talks just fine using eflite so does emacspeak.  
 > So I kill the speakup and run emacspeakconfig and select the accentsa no
 > speech.  Infact emacs will not even close with c-x c-c.  
 > Then I install my dectalk software 
 > And run emacspeakconfig again selecting  the dectalk software same
 > problem.  Switch back to eflite and speech works fine. 
 > Install speechd-el to make sure speech-dispatcher will work ok. 
 > Apt-get install speechd-el 
 > Ran emacs started speechd-el 
 > M-x speechd-speak it works fine  with all three synthesizers using
 > speech dispatcher.  
 > Any ideas why eflite is the only speech server that will work with emac
 > speak with this configuration.  
 > Hth 
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