Subscribe to the Emacspeak Mailing List

The mailing list for emacspeak is used to disseminate information to users of emacspeak and as a forum for users to share tips and ask questions.

Subscribe by Email:

  1. Send email to with a subject of "subscribe".
  2. Shortly after sending the mail you should receive an email with a confirmation link. Open that link and confirm your subscription.
  3. The listserver will then send you a welcome letter which contains the list policies and general list informaion.
  4. If new to the list please consider introducing yourself in your first post.
  5. If at any point you can no longer follow the list guidelines for posting, please unsubscribe.

Subscribe by Webform:

  1. Go to the form at
  2. Enter your email address(required) and name(optional), then select "subscribe to list emacspeak".
  3. Shortly after submitting the form you will get an email with a confirmation link. Open that link and confirm your subscription.
  4. The listserver will then send you a welcome letter which contains the list policies and general list informaion.
  5. If new to the list please consider introducing yourself in your first post.
  6. If at any point you can no longer follow the list guidelines for posting, please unsubscribe.

If you have any problems or questions about subscribing, feel free to contact us. We are here to help.

Emacspeak List