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Re: SQL Mode Anybody

At Mon, 25 Nov 2002 16:04:21 +1100,
Tim Cross wrote:
> I've been updating emacspeak-sql.el to enhance it functionality with
> the standard sql-mode which is part of emacs. At the moment, it seems
> to work fine with Oracle databases, but I don't run any other database
> at present. 
> If there is anyone else out there who uses sql-mode to connect to
> databases other than Oracle (e.g. postgres, db2, informix, ingres,
> mysql) I would appreciate it if you would be prepared to try out my
> re-written version to see if it works correctly with the flavor of
> database you use. 

I can test it with mysql for you, if you need it. Possibly postgres as
well, which I use a bit, but not as much.
Let me know.

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