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Re: Best advice for new user

Well I guess the best advice for anyone starting out is to really 
recognize that it is called a learning curve for a reason. 
That what you learn is built on what you have learned before and 
that the more you know the faster you can learn and the opposite 
that the less you know the slower you can go. 
One good way to climb a learning curve is to start out slow and 
at each stage make sure you have a good grasp of what is going
on before climbing to the next level that way the base you are
building on is sound. Don't try to learn email before you know
how to open and close a file for instance.

For the emacs case, maybe start out by opening a file, and closing
it. Then after your father has mastered that he can open a file, edit it
close it etc. You get the idea. Remember that from the outside
it might look like you are going slow, but to the person learning
it always looks like you are going fast. 

Bill Barry

On Sun, Apr 20, 2003 at 11:45:13PM -0400, Patrick Wiseman wrote:
> Hello:
> I'm about to try to introduce my dad to emacspeak; he's an octogenarian,
> smart, not afraid of a challenge, has peripheral vision in one eye, and,
> before he lost most of his vision, loved Googling and email.  I'd like to
> give both back to him.
> The emacs learning curve is steep.  Any suggestions about how I can set
> things up to make it as easy as possible for my Dad to get started?
> Patrick
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