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changing gnome2 window-manager to sawfish

I'm not sure if you can change the window manager except through
gnome. Its possible if you go through the config files in the various
gnome related subdirectories off your home directory, you may be able
to work this out. Personally, when I've needed to change it, I've just
done it from within gnome.

I can't help much here as I don't run gnome from home anymore - I
found it consumed a lot of resources and didn't really give me any
extra functionality which was of any use to me. I did play around with
gnopernicus for a short time (using sawfish as the window manager, not
metacity) and while I thought it showed some promise, it wasn't very
useful at that time and a bit unstable (this was about 12 months

Currently, I'm running just sawfish, no gnome or anthing else. I like
it as its nice and simple. I've not tried getting Raman's bindings
operational at this time (thought I've been thinking about it) as my
config is sufficient the way it is - I've defined some of the function
keys so that I can move between virtual desktops, send applications to
the next or previous desktop and I've defined a function key to start
emacs and another one to start an exterm, which I can then run yasr or
whatever in. This pretty much gives me everything I need at this time
and has the advantage its simple, quick and does not consume too much
memory or cpu resources. 

peter.rayner@xxxxxxxxxxx writes:
 > I'm trying to set up Raman's sawfish bindings for emacspeak on a new
 > machine.  It's running gnome2.  I have failed to find pointers to how
 > to change the window manager from metacity to sawfish *except*  from
 > within gnome itself. 
 > This is kind of astonishing and I'm sure I must be missing something
 > but has someone else done this?
 > cheers
 > Peter  
 > -- 
 > Peter Rayner
 > LSCE - CEA de Saclay
 > Orme des Merisiers, 91191 Gif/Yvette
 > work: +33  (1) 69 08 88 11;	mobile: +33 (6) 75 46 56 52;	 fax: +33 (1) 69 08 77 16
 > mail-to: peter.rayner@xxxxxxxxxxx
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