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Re: update on speech server issue

write a better accent SA server. See the docs in the texinfo docs
for what is needed. 

>>>>> "Gary" == Gary Lawrence Murphy <garym@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
    Gary> I spoke too soon on that last report: Yes, Emacspeak-18
    Gary> does indeed make sounds through the Accent SA driver
    Gary> where version 21 did not, but now it says too much!
    Gary> I had this problem trying to use the Java-based
    Gary> soft-synth and couldn't find the solution in that
    Gary> context either: It seems emacspeak is handing all the
    Gary> DecTalk codes to the Accent SA driver, and the driver
    Gary> is just speaking them.
    Gary> any easy solution for this?
    Gary> -- Gary Lawrence Murphy <garym@xxxxxxxxxxx>: office
    Gary> voice/fax: 01 519 4222723 Business Advantage through
    Gary> Community Software - http://teledyn.com "what I need is
    Gary> a job that doesn't interfere with my work" -gary murphy
    Gary> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Best Regards,

Email:  raman@xxxxxxxxxxx
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