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Re: really need emacspeak work with festival, help please.

On 11/10/06, Kalyan Mukherjea <kalyan.infinity@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi Krishna,
>    Before I started using Emacspeak +flite+ eflite I had for a little
>    while used festival as a "screen reader" with Emacs. The  festival
>    package at that time had a rudimentary support for Emacs: if you
>    installed festival and the Emacs support, the menubar acquired a
>    new item `say' and one could click on this and choose say region
>    say page etc.
>    When I first read  about  Emacspeak I wasted some time looking for
>    IBM's ViaVoice and then asked Alan Black (the maintainer of
>    festival, flite etc) about using festival as a speech engine for
>    Emacspeak and he replied that he had asked one of his students to
>    work on this but the results were not satisfactory. He suggested
>    that I try to use Emacspeak with whatever tts is supported by the
>    author (TVR, that is) and settled on flite + eflite.
ok, so it comes down to performance and all that.
> I agree that festival voices are probably a little better but I'd
> have my Emacspeak running smoothly than a very beautiful voice which
> cannot help me do my work.
absolutely true.  that reminds me that mbrola voices sound some what
better, but typing or reading individual characters is a big pain.
may be I haven't tried using mbrola voices other than which came with
oralux.  in that case I will be happy if some one could advice me on
installing emacspeak to use mbrola voices.  and I believe this is not
less than a challenging task.
> Since you are a computer engineer (python & C) perhaps you should
> learn Emacs-lisp study the code TVR has written and try to get a
>  Emacspeak server  that uses festival  up and running.
oh, I will be more than glad to help out in this context.
I have the infrastructure to do this and will like to know further
from experienced people as to how do I get started.
by the way, considering the fact that I already program in c and
python with quite a bit of knowledge on perl, how difficult or easy
will lisp be?
as it is I am interested to write plugins any ways.
thanking all.

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