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Re: really need emacspeak work with festival, help please.

Hi Krishna,

   Before I started using Emacspeak +flite+ eflite I had for a little
   while used festival as a "screen reader" with Emacs. The  festival
   package at that time had a rudimentary support for Emacs: if you
   installed festival and the Emacs support, the menubar acquired a
   new item `say' and one could click on this and choose say region
   say page etc. 
   When I first read  about  Emacspeak I wasted some time looking for
   IBM's ViaVoice and then asked Alan Black (the maintainer of
   festival, flite etc) about using festival as a speech engine for
   Emacspeak and he replied that he had asked one of his students to
   work on this but the results were not satisfactory. He suggested
   that I try to use Emacspeak with whatever tts is supported by the
   author (TVR, that is) and settled on flite + eflite.

I agree that festival voices are probably a little better but I'd
have my Emacspeak running smoothly than a very beautiful voice which
cannot help me do my work.

Since you are a computer engineer (python & C) perhaps you should
learn Emacs-lisp study the code TVR has written and try to get a
 Emacspeak server  that uses festival  up and running.

I know this is not an answer to your question, but probably there are
inherent difficulties in getting festival married to Emacspeak.



PS: Have you set up Emacspeak with flite and eflite or are you using
the Oralux Live CD?
krishnakant Mane writes:
>I did not find any answer to having festival
 > configured with emacspeak.
 > there have been some posts on this issue previously but I did not find
 > any complete and comprehencive answer.
 > I have found that the easiest setup of emacspeak is with flite and eflite.
 > but I need festival not festival lite.  I have been working with
 > emacspeak and eflite for quite some time now and feel that a good
 > synthesizer with good sound quality is the only important thing
 > remaining.
 > I have tried to get this solved from experts at our linux users group
 > but none of them are blind and no one has the idea of emacspeak beyond
 > the fact that they see it working on my desktop.
 > so any one who has been successful configuring emacspeak with
 > festival, please provide instructions.
 > thanking all.
 > Krishnakant.
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