Week 6
- The list of weekly topics is slightly skewed. We will cover the Final keyword, javadoc and exceptions this week
- We will take a look at exceptions - contract violations, if you consider an api to be a contract - with some code.
- Let's use this point as a delineation point for the midterm.
- Right… Next week - March 4, we will have a midterm exam.
- Material covered through 2/25 (yesterday) will be on the midterm.
- It will be open notes - that you write - only.
- Use the note taking process as a study guide.
- We can cover any questions you may have tonight
- We can also use the lab time for working on the homework assignment.
- We will cover some sample questions/problems for the midterm today.
- … and finish the remaining material in Tuesday's lecture notes.
- If you are interested in a hackathon, or interested in learning what a hackathon is: