CMPU-224: Computer Organization

<html> <h1>Vassar College, Spring 2010</h1> <h1>Syllabus</h1> </html>

Course Wiki:
Professor: Barry Jones
Office: OLB 118
Office Hours: Mon 12:00-1:00; Wed 1:00-3:00 (and by appointment)
Phone: 437 5986
Email: (the best way to reach me)
Class Meeting Time: Mon/Wed: 10:30-11:45 (OLB-105)

<html> <h2>Texts and References: </h2> </html>

Required Text: Linda Null and Julia Lobur, The Essentials of Computer Organization and Architecture, Second Edition, Jones and Bartlett Publishers, © 2006, ISBN: 0-7637-3769-0

<html> <h2>Description: </h2> </html>

Examines the hierarchical structure of computing systems, from digital logic and microprogramming through machine and assembly languages. Topics include the structure and workings of the central processor, instruction execution, memory and register organization, addressing schemes, input and output channels, and control sequencing. Weekly assignments include digital design and simulation, and assembly language programming.

<html> <h2>Assignment Submission: </h2> </html>

Assignments involving drawing schematics or solving logic expressions may be submitted to the course digital drop-box, or hand written and submitted in class. Simulations and assembly language programs must be submitted via the drop-box. Please name your files with the page and question number where possible.

<html> <h2>Deadlines and Lateness: </h2> </html>

All assignments are due at the start of class on the specified due dates. Late work will be accepted, with a 10% penalty, and only up until the start of the next class. Students' programs will be graded on functionality, style and documentation.

<html> <h2>Grading Policy: </h2> </html>

Assignments, Exam 1, Exam 2, and Final Exam are each 25% of the final grade.

<html> <h2>Classroom Etiquette: </h2> </html>

Students are expected to attend all lectures, with exceptions permitted in case of illness and family emergencies. Lectures will begin on time. Students are expected to arrive on time. Students’ cell phones should be turned off during lectures.

<html> <h2>Students with Disabilities: </h2> </html>

Academic accommodations are available for students with disabilities who are registered with the Office of Disability and Support Services. Students in need of disability accommodations should schedule an appointment with me early in the semester to discuss any accommodations for this course which have been approved by the Office of Disability and Support Services, as indicated in your DSS accommodation letter.