Database Project Ideas
- Internship DB: location, company size, skill level, …
- Networking DB: groups of eople by interests - professional, location, etc.
- VC Arboretum DB: Trees, Location, …
- GHC DB - interview questions
- Groceries DB - what's in season, Eco-friendly, Geographical info. (avoid overseas)
- AskBanner 2 - refactored
- for pre-prereg
- for advising - major and correlate
- pre-req's - different kinds of prereq's
- CMPU Pre-preregistration DB
- VC Musicians DB
- Nutrition DB for food served on campus
- VC Alumnae/i DB
- VC Organizations DB
- When Is Good to get together and study? - fed by students' schedules
- One-on-One Contest DB - matching opponenets, skills, experience, records of opponents, style of play, proximity of opponents
- Listening history DB - artists, genres, data visualization, spotify web api to collect info.
Team # | Members | Database Project [database name] | Presentation |
1 | Yu Chen & Robert Elizardo | Shelf Life [shelflife] | |
2 | Abigail Ren & Lindsey Coffee-Johnson | Events [events] | |
3 | Edgar Lozano & Jonayed Ahmed | VC Bike Shop [vcbs] | |
4 | Rafi Khaled & Elias Contrubis | When Works [whenworks] | |
5 | Tahsin Oshin & Maia Thomas | Ask Banner Refactored [askvc] | slides |
6 | Frank Swiatowicz & Simone Johnson | (Spotify) [listendb] | |
7 | Kyle Patterson & Calvin Ling | Houses & Halls [housesandhalls] | slides |
8 | Norman Kwang & Noah Ari | ArBrew-etVm (Arboretum) or Artifacts |