Past Events Archive
To read details of past events select event from the list below
2013-05-25 Careers in Computer Science Alumni Panel
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Thursday, 25 April 2013
5:00pm Panel Discussion
6:30pm Pizza Reception
MultiPurpose Room
College Center, 2nd Floor Main Building
<html><center> <h3>Careers in Computer Science Alumni Panel</h3> </center></html>
Don't miss this opportunity to meet the following Vassar Computer Science alums, learn about the career paths they've taken, gain some valuable job search tips and enjoy networking that might lead to a summer internship or career for you! Panel discussions will start at 5:00pm with a pizza reception to follow.
Dan Leslie '01, Reflexions Data
Alison Abreu-Garcia '08, Manager of Digital Technologies, Whitney Museum of American Art
Nikki Rosard Wiles '08, ChallengePost
Felix Steiny '09, Latitude Labs; previously Software Development Team Lead, FilmTrack Inc.
Micky Thaler '09, Rapp It Up “Microsoft Access” Solutions
Alex Middeleer '11, iVantage Health Analytics
Stanton Wong '11, RentPadder
Kristen Schau '12, IBM
2013-02-28 Getting Into and Choosing a Graduate School
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Prairie Rose Goodwin '12
PhD Student, NC State University
Thursday, February 28, 2013
OLB 105, 7:00pm
<html><center></html> Getting Into and Choosing a Graduate School <html></center></html>
Are you interested in going to graduate school at some point in your life? Come talk with an alumna that has firsthand experience! Learn the ins and outs of applying to graduate schools and choosing the one that suits you best.
Sponsored by the Request-A-Lecture program.
2013-02-15 Asprey Lecture Series: Software Engineering 2.0
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<html><a class=“wikilink1” href=“”>Sean Dague</a></html>
Senior Software Engineer
Linux Technology Center, IBM
Friday, February 15, 2013
College Center MPR (CN 223), 10:30am
Software Engineering 2.0:
What Modern Software Engineering Looks Like At Scale
OpenStack is an Open Source Cloud Computing Infrastructure as a Service project. In the last 4 months over 350 developers from all over the world have landed code in the project. And the code has by all measures gotten more stable, not less.
How does that happen? What kind of practices need to be in place to support that? What have we, as practitioners, learned over the 60+ years of Software Development as a discipline, that lets this kind of large project scale? By looking at an extreme case, one of the 10 most active Open Source projects on GitHub, we can learn a lot about how to make software great at any scale.
Sean Dague is a Senior Software Engineer and OpenStack Architect for IBM’s Linux Technology Center. Over his 15 years at IBM he’s worked a widely varied set jobs, including the 2000 Sydney Olympics Website, Linux Virtualization and High Performance Computing, 3D Internet, and most recently Cloud Software. He’s an avid Open Source enthusiast, with contributions to dozens of projects, and the founder of the Mid-Hudson Linux Users Group, now approaching its 10th year.
Tea and cookies will be available at 10:15. Come early for informal discussion. <html></div></html>
2013-02-13 Command Line Basics
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Wednesday, Feb 13
3:30 pm
OLB 105
Ben Stoutenburgh will go through the basics of using a terminal to get things done. Topics will include:
- Files and Directories, navigation and management including file globbing
- Some bash basics and shortcuts, not introducing scripting
- Redirection, pipelining, &&, ;
- Basic commands to get your through the day
- Finding help when stuck with man, apropos and help
2013-02-12 Command Line Basics
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Tuesday, Feb 12
10:30 am
OLB 105
Ben Stoutenburgh will go through the basics of using a terminal to get things done. Topics will include:
- Files and Directories, navigation and management including file globbing
- Some bash basics and shortcuts, not introducing scripting
- Redirection, pipelining, &&, ;
- Basic commands to get your through the day
- Finding help when stuck with man, apropos and help
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