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help:apps:svn_use [2015/08/26 17:24]
help:apps:svn_use [2015/08/26 17:24] (current)
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 +====== SVN quick reference  ======
 +The following is modified from an email sent by Prof. Smith on the use of the command line svn program under linux here at CS
 +===== To checkout (co) repository for first time =====
 +  - cd on your local machine to where you want your project working directory to be created
 +  - enter the command: `` %% svn co https://OUR_SVN_SERVER/svn/project_myproj %% ``((I am leaving out the name of our svn server to keep it from being gleaned and then attacked.  If you forget what it is called please write me or your professor.  Sorry for the hassle - Greg ))
 +===== To check the status of a *particular* file =====
 +`` %% svn status <filename> %% ``
 +===== To show *which* files have been updated =====
 +`` %% svn status -u %% ``
 +===== To compare working version with repository's =====
 +`` %% svn diff <filename> %% ``
 +===== To see a file's activity log =====
 +`` %% svn log [--verbose] <filename> %% ``
 +===== To update your own working copy =====
 +`` %% svn update %% ``
 +===== To commit changes =====
 +`` %% svn commit -m "description text" %% ``
 +===== To add a file or directory =====
 +Notes on ``svn add``://
 +  * by default, svn adds dirs recursively
 +  * this command must be followed by a commit!
 +`` %% svn add <file-or-dir-name> %% ``
 +===== More information =====
 +A great place to start learning more about subversion is http://svnbook.red-bean.com/ While working with subversion you should also remember to take advantage of `` %% svn help %% ``.
 +/*  keywords for search
 +subversion code repository