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CO631 Anonymous Questions and Answers Keyword Index

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Keyword reference for arrays


Question 120 (2004):

In occam, if I've got a BYTE array, I would have thought I could do something like this: (where "i" is an INT)

    array[5] := BYTE i

but it doesn't appear to work, can you explain why that is, when something such as this works perfectly fine: (where "b" is a BYTE).

    array[5] := b

Answer 120:

That should work fine, and does for me.. What error (exactly) are you getting ? Something else must be wrong..

Keywords: q7 , arrays

Referrers: Question 121 (2004)

Question 65 (2004):

I was looking through the questions on arrays and as you said arrays have to be of a fixed size and are not initialised by default. So how do you initialise them to be empty or the equivalent of java's null ? Also can arrays of a smaller size be assigned to a larger capacity array (assuming they are of the same type) ? For example:

    [num]BYTE temp := "":

does not work (and neither does ":= []")

Answer 65:

There is no concept of null in occam! There are no objects in occam!!

When we declare an occam array:

    [num]BYTE my.array:

This is (roughly) similar to declaring and constructing a Java array:

    byte[] myArray = new byte[num];

occam variables, including array variables, always refer to allocated space. Whether that space has defined values set in them is up to our program. No default values (e.g. zero) are set. To initialise array values, it's the same as in Java -- simply iterate over the elements, setting them in turn. For example:

    SEQ i = 0 FOR SIZE my.array
      my.array[i] := 0

[Aside: the statement above (that "occam variables ... always refer to allocated space") is strictly true for classical occam. The new occam-pi has mobile data types, space for which is dynamically allocated. So, mobile variables from time to time may not refer to allocated space. However, in that case, the occam-pi language rules (enforced by the compiler) do not allow us to attempt to access their values -- so there remains no concept of null (and null pointer error) that you can fall into, :).]

You can't assign a smaller array to a larger array -- or a larger array to a smaller one. The size of an array is part of that array's type in occam, so different sized arrays are not assignment compatible.

occam does however support something that helps here, that Java doesn't: array segments (someimes called slices -- see the last paragraph of section 5 in the "occam2 Checklist"). A segment expression allows a portion of an array to be used, instead of the whole array. For example:

      [my.array FROM 2 FOR 4] := "fred"

will assign those bytes to 4 bytes of `name', starting at index 2. It is the same as the code:

      VAL []BYTE tmp IS "fred"
      SEQ i = 2 FOR 4
	my.array[i] := tmp[i-2]


	my.array[2] := 'f'
	my.array[3] := 'r'
	my.array[4] := 'e'
	my.array[5] := 'd'

but the segment expression is much more succinct. The other elements of my.array are untouched. Should the above my.array have less than (2 + 4) elements, of course there would be a range error.

Couple of other bits of syntax for these segment expressions: either the FROM part or the FOR part are optional -- but not both! The expression "[my.array FOR n]" means the first n elements of my.array (i.e. "[my.array FROM 0 FOR n]"). The expression "[my.array FROM m]" means the last m elements of my.array (i.e. "[my.array FROM m FOR (SIZE my.array) - m]").

If you want more (!) and like puzzles, check out Question 44 (2002).

Other things raised by your question. In occam, "" and [] represent an array of zero elements -- though these only have limited use. The new KRoC (occam-pi) now recognises `[]' as an empty array of any type ("" is specifically an zero-length array of BYTEs). These are useful as arguments to PROCs or FUNCTIONs that require array arguments, but the particular call does not need to pass any data.

Initialisation and declaration can be combined, but requires a slightly different syntax than what you've got above:

    INITIAL []BYTE name IS "fred":   -- declares and assigns a [4]BYTE array

The LHS and RHS types of the `IS' must match. But I doubt this will be useful here.

Keywords: arrays , array-segments


Question 104 (2003):

I want to have an array of strings (which I have understood to be an array of bytes) but am unsure how to use this. Is it:


And also how would I write into a specific location, e.g. put "hello world" into index `0' in the string array?

Answer 104:

You are along the right lines with your declaration. More correctly:

    [number.of.strings][string.length]BYTE string.array:

The important thing to remember (as was covered to some extent in `q6') is that occam does not have an explicit `string' type -- they're handled using arrays of BYTEs. Thus you need to cater for `string length' separately (or use `null'-padding on the strings).

The above declaration declares an array of arrays of BYTEs. In other words, an array of fixed-size strings. If all the strings are going to be constant, declare it as a VAL array, e.g.:

    VAL [][]BYTE string.array IS ["hello world   ",
                                  "from occam    ",
                                  "but not from C"]:

Note that all the `strings' are the same-length -- the compiler will reject the declaration if this is not the case.

If you go down the `variable' route, data can be placed in the array using standard assignment, but the types must match exactly -- `[4]BYTE' and `[6]BYTE' are different types, for example. Thus assignments will often end up using array slices. See Question 44 (2002) for a comprehensive description of these. E.g.:

    [10][20]BYTE string.array:
      [string.array[0] FOR 11] := "hello world"          -- type is [11]BYTE
      [string.array[0] FROM 11] := "         "           -- pad remaining BYTEs with spaces

or this could be done as a single assignment:

      string.array[0] := "hello world         "          -- type is [20]BYTE

Keywords: arrays , strings

Question 69 (2003):

when a `[]BYTE' is first declared, is it initialised to "" ?

Answer 69:

No, but occam won't let you declare things like that. The following, for example, won't compile:

    []BYTE a:
    [0]BYTE b:

All array declarations must have a constant size:

    [42]BYTE a:
    [SIZE a]INT b:

The initial contents of arrays are undefined -- occam does not initialise them in any way. If you want them initialised, you must do it explicitly.

Keywords: arrays

Question 52 (2003):

How do we know/check if an array is empty ?

Answer 52:

The `SIZE' operator in occam will return the number of elements in an array. If zero, then you know the array is `empty' (or more correctly, zero-sized).

Unlike Java, there is no concept of null-ness in occam, and you can't declare sizeless arrays. Parameters are slightly different, you can have:

    PROC n.elements (VAL []INT array, INT count)
      count := SIZE array

But not:

    PROC blah ()
      []INT array:
        ...  stuff

occam will not let you declare a zero-sized array either, for example:

    PROC blog ()
      [0]INT array:
        ...  stuff

Keywords: arrays


Question 44 (2002):

What do these mean??

  [array FROM s FOR 1][i]
  [[[array FROM s FOR 1] FOR i][j], 42]

Answer 44:

If X is an array, then X[i] refers to its ith. index element.

Well, [X FROM start FOR n] is an array - it represents the slice of the array X from index start for the next n elements inclusive. [This is explained in the last paragraph of Section 5 of "The occam Checklist" in your course notes.] Of course, if that slice takes us outside the index bounds of the array, that generates a run-time error.


  [X FROM start FOR n][i]

is just the ith. index element of the array [X FROM start FOR n], which is the (start + i)th. index element of the array X, so long as i is in the bounds of [X FROM start FOR n] - i.e. so long as 0 <= i < n. Therefore:

  [array FROM s FOR 1][i]

is only legal if i is zero ... in which case it is the same as element array[s].

If start is zero, then [X FROM start FOR n] may be written as just [X FOR n]. So:

  [[array FROM s FOR 1] FOR i]

is only error free if i is zero or one. If the former, then the above represents a zero-length array for which any further indexing or slicing will throw a run-time error. If the latter, the above represents the same one-length array slice as before - i.e. it's the same as:

  [array FROM s FOR 1]

Continuing with the only legal assumption (that i is one), then:

  [[array FROM s FOR 1] FOR i][j]


  [array FROM s FOR 1][j]

As considered before, the above is only legal if j is zero, in which case it equals:


So, the original expression:

  [[[array FROM s FOR 1] FOR i][j], 42]

is only legal if i is one and j is zero - in which case, it equals:

  [array[s], 42]

So long as s is a legal index of the array array, this is a literal expression of either a two-element array (assuming that array is an array if integers) or a two-field RECORD type. See the answer to Question 45 (2002) for (non-examinable) information on RECORD types.

I'd not ask anyone to work through such a tortuous example in an exam!

Keywords: arrays , array-segments

Referrers: Question 65 (2004) , Question 104 (2003)


Question 58 (2000):

Please could you type up the example on abbreviations you showed us in the lecture? They were on hand-drawn slides and about adding up elements of a 2-D array. Thanks.

Answer 58:

OK. Here's some code for adding up the elements of a 1-D array:

    sum := 0
    SEQ i = 0 FOR SIZE a
      sum := sum + a[i]

where a is an array of REAL64s (say) and sum is a single REAL64 variable.

Now, suppose a is a 2-D array of REAL64s and we need to add up each of its rows into corresponding elements of sum (which is now a 1-D array of REAL64s). The naive code, based on the above, would be:

  SEQ row = 0 FOR SIZE a
      sum[row] := 0
      SEQ col = 0 FOR SIZE a[row]
        sum[row] := sum[row] + a[row][col]

This code is correct but somewhat inefficient. Firstly, occam 2-D arrays live in a contiguous block of memory with all its rows having the same lengths (which is not the case for Java 2-D arrays). Therefore, it's slightly wasteful to look up the size of each row each time the inner loop starts. Instead, look this up once before doing anything else, give it a VAL name and use that name:

  VAL INT n.cols IS SIZE a[0]:
  SEQ row = 0 FOR SIZE a
      sum[row] := 0
      SEQ col = 0 FOR n.cols
        sum[row] := sum[row] + a[row][col]  -- innermost loop code

But the real inefficiency lies in the code of the innermost loop. That code is executed n.rows * n.cols times and involves calculating the addrresses of elements sum[row] and a[row][col]. The latter requires a multiplication and an addition - the former just an addition. Three run-time checks that row and col lie within their respective array index ranges may also be required (although a really clever optimiser may be able to deduce that they will always be within bounds and, therefore, omit these checks).

Compare the above with:

  VAL INT n.cols IS SIZE a[0]:
  SEQ row = 0 FOR SIZE a
    REAL64 sum.row IS sum[row]:             -- this is where we will do the sum
    VAL []REAL64 a.row IS a[row]:           -- this is what we are going to sum
      sum.row := 0
      SEQ col = 0 FOR n.cols
        sum.row := sum.row + a.row[col]     -- innermost loop code

Now, the innermost loop contains just one array reference, requiring only one addition for the address calculation and one range check on col (for which an optimiser does not have to be that clever to optimise away). Two new array references have been introduced in the abbreviations themselves - but these are not part of the innermost loop and only happen once per row. This code will execute much faster than the previous version.

The other benefit from introducing those abbreviations is that the inner code:

      sum.row := 0
      SEQ col = 0 FOR n.cols
        sum.row := sum.row + a.row[col]     -- innermost loop code

is as simple as the 1-D array summing code with which we started:

Keywords: abbreviation , arrays

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Last modified Mon May 15 17:39:44 2006
This document is maintained by Fred Barnes, to whom any comments and corrections should be addressed.