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CO631 Anonymous Questions and Answers Keyword Index

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Keyword reference for cursor


Question 68 (2000):

I've forgotten how to implement the lookup table for the screen positions for the dining philosophers. Any help would be appreciated.

Answer 68:

Your animation code should not be highly repetitive with the same logic repeated with different magic numbers - e.g. for displaying new positions of the different philosophers. Having a table of anchor coordinates for each philosopher may help. A table is simply an array of VALues (i.e. constants). For example:

  VAL [][2]BYTE phil.anchor IS [[40, 5], [70, 10], [55, 15],
                                [35, 15], [10, 10]]:

where the [][2]BYTE could have just been [][]BYTE, but being specific about the dimension of the coordinates (rather than the number of them) seems right. We could have been even more explicit and written [5][2]BYTE, but that seems too much. Any way, the compiler will fill in the sizes of any blanks in what we write after the IS.

With the above, it's nice to give names to the two indices of the [2]BYTE array coordinates - e.g.


Then, if we want to move the screen cursor to the anchor point for philosopher i - and we know that that i is a valid philosopher number (i.e. 0 through 4):

    cursor.x.y (phil.anchor[i][X], phil.anchor[i][Y], screen)

or, more efficiently:

    VAL [2]BYTE phil.i IS phil.anchor[i]:
    cursor.x.y (phil.i[X], phil.i[Y], screen)

since it only checks the array index (for out-of-bounds error) and calculates the address of phil.anchor[i] once.

Keywords: q7 , cursor , table , animation

Referrers: Question 84 (2003) , Question 29 (2002)

Question 66 (2000):

For question 7, I am trying to draw a boarder for the dining philosophers room. I can do it with lots of cursor.x.y and out.string procedures but this seems time consuming. I thought of doing it in a replicated PAR or replicated SEQ and I wrote this code:

  #INCLUDE "consts.inc"
  #USE "course.lib"

    PAR i = 1 FOR 26
        cursor.x.y (4, i, out)
        out.string ("#", 0, out)

  PROC test (CHAN OF BYTE keyboard, screen, error)
      a (screen)
      ...  other things

But when I compile it, it says there is a type mismatch in parameter 2 of cursor.x.y. This is the y coordinate that I am changing so that the character gets printed on the line below the first one to create a column like this:


Why does the compiler not like the second parameter of the cursor.x.y proceedure? Doesen't it just need to be a number?

Answer 66:

The second parameter of cursor.x.y needs to be a BYTE. Replicator control variables (e.g. your i) are INTs. You need to cast it into a BYTE:

        cursor.x.y (4, BYTE i, out)

See the answer to Question 7 (2000) for information on casting between occam types.

Your PAR replicator also won't work because it implies parallel outputs to the out channel - illegal! So it has to be a SEQ replicator. In any case, unless the occam kernel supports, and is running on a multiprocessor machine, the SEQ replicator for code like this will be faster than a PAR (which will have to startup and shutdown 25 software processes).

Your code would also be slightly snappier with:

      cursor.x.y (4, 1, out)
      SEQ i = 1 FOR 26            -- the "2" could be anything though
          out ! '#'               -- don't need out.string for a single char
          cursor.down (1, out)
          cursor.left (1, out)
      out ! FLUSH

Keywords: q7 , type-mismatch , type-cast , cast , cursor

Referrers: Question 21 (2001) , Question 74 (2000)

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Last modified Mon May 15 17:39:44 2006
This document is maintained by Fred Barnes, to whom any comments and corrections should be addressed.