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[solved] xslt problem was: Re: problems with tonight's svn update

The problem I was having on getting the tables linearized was solved by
doing an apropos search for xsl and then looking at the emacspeak
results.  I found these variables:

 '(emacspeak-we-xsl-p t)
 '(emacspeak-we-xsl-transform "/home/rdc/share/emacs/site-lisp/emacspeak/xsl/linearize-tables.xsl")

Note that I copied this directly from my .emacs.  Also, know that I
could not access these variables via an emacspeak-we group in
customize.  You can use customize to set these variables individually by
following the link in a *Help* buffer in the line reading "You can
customize this variable" but trying to go to the parent group does not

In setting the transform you might have to know the path to the
transform, and will certainly have to know the full name of the
transform you wish to use.  Completion did not work for me and the
completions buffer popped up at the root of my directory tree.

I am currently looking into why I am no longer getting notification that
the page has rendered in w3.  If anyone else has seen this problem and
solved it please let me know.

Robert D. Crawford                                      rdc1x@xxxxxxxxxxx

Tempt not a desperate man.
		-- William Shakespeare, "Romeo and Juliet"

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