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Re: Issues installing and running emacspeak.

happy new year to you too kalyan.
thanks a lot.
basically I got a script given on the oralux website which downloaded
and compiled emacspeak for my laptop.
I will certainly like to wrote for the users guide once I get back in
touch with all the things I used to do in emacspeak.
another experiment I will try is to use the script without internet on
the other laptop I use at home.
I already have the tarball downloaded by the script in the directory
and also the patched makefile which the script directory contained.
so the step for downloading the files is not needed in the script.
so logically speaking the script should happyly work without internet.
will let the list know about my experiments.
On 01/01/2008, Kalyan Mukherjea <kalyan.infinity@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> krishnakant Mane writes:
> >I have looked in all the possible places but did not find the
> >emacspeak binary.
> Hi Krishna,
> Emacspeak, at least upto the versions that I have used, was only a
> shell script and not a binary. You can write your own emacspeak script
> (see the sample given by Mike Gorse
> in the flite distribution). The one point to remember if you do this
> is to change permissions after putting the script in /usr/bin .
> Happy New Year.
> Kalyan

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