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Re: Various TTS problems

Hello Lucas,

Yes, the problem persists when I revert to emacs21 and emacspeak 26.
The upgrade of emacs and emacspeak which caused the trouble was part
of a distribution upgrade from Ubuntu 7.04 to 7.10, not just an
isolated upgrade.

Actually, although emacspeak definitely comes from the 27.0 tarball,
c-e V gives:

emacspeak 26.0 revision 5376 5384 Fast Dog

Best regards,

Lukas Loehrer writes:
 > Rob Hill writes ("Various TTS problems"):
 > > I'd like to focus on eflite, since it worked perfectly before I
 > > upgraded from emacs21 and emacspeak 26 to emacs22 and emacspeak 27.
 > It is very unlikely that your problems with eflite are caused by
 > updating emacs or emacspeak. Does eflite  work correctly when you go back
 > to emacs 21 and emacspeak 26?
 > Best regards, Lukas
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