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Re: Readable LaTeX Package Documentation?

Hi Raman,

I was thinking of packages which generally appear in the `contrib'
section of the CTAN archives. The major class-packages i.e. cls files and their associated
formats files are created via a single *.dtx file in addition to

Reading dtx files presupposes a knowledge of plain TeX
which  newbies would not have and I do not have either for that matter. 

Actually  when I spoke of LaTeX
packages I meant the  small packages like curves.sty which helps in
drawing curved lines, or epic.sty and so on. 

Yes, Jason is right in saying that Knuth's exposition is very clear: I
read a few sections when I first started writing my own papers using
LaTeX. But to start there and get going to the point of producing a
document is very tough: I had lots of  help from sighted colleagues
and could still read a bit at that time.

T. V. Raman writes:
 > Install the appropriate src  packages for tetex and you'll find
 > the sources for various packages in *.dtx files 
 > >>>

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