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On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 07:27:44PM +1100, Tim Cross wrote:
> I've been offered an Asus EEEPC and was wondering if anyone has tried
> setting it up with emacspeak? 

I was shown a demonstration of one at Linux.conf.au (http://linux.conf.au/) in
January. It wasn't running speech or Emacspeak though.

Most, if not all, of the EEEPC machines at the conference were not running the
default distribution, which had been replaced by the user's choice of Debian,
Ubuntu, etc. Apparently, Debian are working on a version of their distribution
specifically for the EEEPC, so if you're a Debian person you might prefer it.

Once you have your favourite distribution, whichever it may be, installed, the
rest should be straightforward, as with any other Linux machine.

As long as the audio hardware is recognized, it should all work. Someone on
the BRLTTY mailing list reported problems with a braille display suspending
regularly, but this was apparently a USB issue, and based on the ensuing
thread, seemed to be dependent on the kernel version.

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