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Re: Sometimes bad responsiveness with outloud and alsa 1.0.16

Hi Lukas,

just letting you know that your patch has significantly improved the
situation on my system with the Audigy 4 sound card. Not only was I getting
significant delays in interrupting speech, I was also experiencing very
sluggish responsiveness in character echo, frequent segfaults and often,
complete duplicate echos of words. 

I had to tweak my .asoundrc file slightly, but now it all seems very
stable. Speech is easy to interrupt and the poor responsiveness in
character echo appears to be gone. There does seem to be some small minor
problems with word echo, but they are infrequent and not much of an issue. 

The only very slight thing I've noticed is that when movinig around in a
web page under w3m, if the text is inside a table that is using UTF
characters to generate the borders etc, there is often a frequent delay
when you move to a line before the text begins speaking. Its not a big
issue, but if your unaware of it, it can be easy to skip a line of text
because you think it is empty. I've not tried re-configuring w3m so that it
only uses ascii characters yet. I suspect this is not directly related to
your patch, but rather more likely something that has now been revealed as
a result of the patch. 

Note that I've only noticed very slight problems on my work machine, which
is using a SB Live clone sound card and have not tried applying the patch
to that system yet. I will try to find time to do so this week and will
report back if it has any unexpected problems. 

Thanks a lot for chasing this issue down. I must admit I was tempted to try
and debug it, but its been so many years since I've done any real debugging
of C/C++ code, the prospect wasn't very inviting. 

Thanks very much

Tim Cross

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