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Emacs and the modern world

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How relevant is Emacs, and thus by extension emacspeak, in
today's modern world? I've been reading the Emacspeak papers,
and the entire concept of an audio user interface sounds interesting, and certainly
would sound better than the current screen readers trying to read the
screen, and not knowing anything about the content. Given all that,
FireVox and FireFox can be used with the web once they mature,
but is Emacs still a good system for working on audible user interfaces
given its age, and the possibility of alternatives existing?
I'm mostly asking because Emacspeak and its alternative speechd-el  are missing features
that are now standard in other systems,
such as a read from cursor to end of document that, when interrupted,
will put your cursor where the synthesizer stopped reading. Is this
just not possible to do in Emacs, or has it just not
been done before?
Is emacs the only existing system that lets us advise and hook into it
while running to add the speech functionality on top of it rather than recoding
the system to speak?
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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