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Re: Emacs and the modern world

um, this is a very smug answer. I actually wondered this same thing, but now that we got the answer of all answers from the devolper of this project I guess we shouldn't dare ask or we might get another answer like this
On Sep 8, 2008, at 7:10 PM, T. V. Raman wrote:

I wont waste my time answering the question about emacs'

With respect to why emacspeak doesn't bother implementing the
screenreader equivalent of leaving cursor where you stopped
speaking, it's not there because I've never needed it in
Emacs. Screenreaders need to provide that functionality because
non-emacs environments dont provide incremental search. Given
that it's trivial to make Emacs make the cursor go to where you
want, the work involved in implementing what you refer to was
never worth the while.

"Tyler" == Tyler Spivey <tspivey@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
   Tyler> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1
   Tyler> How relevant is Emacs, and thus by extension
   Tyler> emacspeak, in today's modern world? I've been reading
   Tyler> the Emacspeak papers, and the entire concept of an
   Tyler> audio user interface sounds interesting, and certainly
   Tyler> would sound better than the current screen readers
   Tyler> trying to read the screen, and not knowing anything
   Tyler> about the content. Given all that, FireVox and FireFox
   Tyler> can be used with the web once they mature, but is
   Tyler> Emacs still a good system for working on audible user
   Tyler> interfaces given its age, and the possibility of
   Tyler> alternatives existing?  I'm mostly asking because
   Tyler> Emacspeak and its alternative speechd-el are missing
   Tyler> features that are now standard in other systems, such
   Tyler> as a read from cursor to end of document that, when
   Tyler> interrupted, will put your cursor where the
   Tyler> synthesizer stopped reading. Is this just not possible
   Tyler> to do in Emacs, or has it just not been done before?
   Tyler> Is emacs the only existing system that lets us advise
   Tyler> and hook into it while running to add the speech
   Tyler> functionality on top of it rather than recoding the
   Tyler> system to speak?  -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
   Tyler> Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Tyler> iEYEARECAAYFAkjFl +0ACgkQTsjaYASMWKTnqgCghhmnr9B8oQ6C5QMJnWArabo4
   Tyler> /VQAoIJ1DONMwDaLJCmocugmyOTYmMnG =tyV8 -----END PGP
   Tyler> SIGNATURE-----
Tyler> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Tyler> To unsubscribe from the emacspeak list or change your
   Tyler> address on the emacspeak list send mail to
   Tyler> "emacspeak-request@xxxxxxxxxxx" with a subject of
   Tyler> "unsubscribe" or "help"

Best Regards,

Email:  raman@xxxxxxxxxxx
WWW:    http://emacspeak.sf.net/raman/
AIM:    emacspeak       GTalk: tv.raman.tv@xxxxxxxxxxx
PGP:    http://emacspeak.sf.net/raman/raman-almaden.asc
Google: tv+raman
IRC:    irc://irc.freenode.net/#emacs

To unsubscribe from the emacspeak list or change your address on the
emacspeak list send mail to "emacspeak-request@xxxxxxxxxxx" with a
subject of "unsubscribe" or "help"

On Sep 8, 2008, at 7:10 PM, T. V. Raman wrote:

I wont waste my time answering the question about emacs'

With respect to why emacspeak doesn't bother implementing the
screenreader equivalent of leaving cursor where you stopped
speaking, it's not there because I've never needed it in
Emacs. Screenreaders need to provide that functionality because
non-emacs environments dont provide incremental search. Given
that it's trivial to make Emacs make the cursor go to where you
want, the work involved in implementing what you refer to was
never worth the while.

"Tyler" == Tyler Spivey <tspivey@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
   Tyler> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1
   Tyler> How relevant is Emacs, and thus by extension
   Tyler> emacspeak, in today's modern world? I've been reading
   Tyler> the Emacspeak papers, and the entire concept of an
   Tyler> audio user interface sounds interesting, and certainly
   Tyler> would sound better than the current screen readers
   Tyler> trying to read the screen, and not knowing anything
   Tyler> about the content. Given all that, FireVox and FireFox
   Tyler> can be used with the web once they mature, but is
   Tyler> Emacs still a good system for working on audible user
   Tyler> interfaces given its age, and the possibility of
   Tyler> alternatives existing?  I'm mostly asking because
   Tyler> Emacspeak and its alternative speechd-el are missing
   Tyler> features that are now standard in other systems, such
   Tyler> as a read from cursor to end of document that, when
   Tyler> interrupted, will put your cursor where the
   Tyler> synthesizer stopped reading. Is this just not possible
   Tyler> to do in Emacs, or has it just not been done before?
   Tyler> Is emacs the only existing system that lets us advise
   Tyler> and hook into it while running to add the speech
   Tyler> functionality on top of it rather than recoding the
   Tyler> system to speak?  -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
   Tyler> Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Tyler> iEYEARECAAYFAkjFl +0ACgkQTsjaYASMWKTnqgCghhmnr9B8oQ6C5QMJnWArabo4
   Tyler> /VQAoIJ1DONMwDaLJCmocugmyOTYmMnG =tyV8 -----END PGP
   Tyler> SIGNATURE-----
Tyler> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Tyler> To unsubscribe from the emacspeak list or change your
   Tyler> address on the emacspeak list send mail to
   Tyler> "emacspeak-request@xxxxxxxxxxx" with a subject of
   Tyler> "unsubscribe" or "help"

Best Regards,

Email:  raman@xxxxxxxxxxx
WWW:    http://emacspeak.sf.net/raman/
AIM:    emacspeak       GTalk: tv.raman.tv@xxxxxxxxxxx
PGP:    http://emacspeak.sf.net/raman/raman-almaden.asc
Google: tv+raman
IRC:    irc://irc.freenode.net/#emacs

To unsubscribe from the emacspeak list or change your address on the
emacspeak list send mail to "emacspeak-request@xxxxxxxxxxx" with a
subject of "unsubscribe" or "help"

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