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Make Install error

Since I don't know what I'm doing but I'm persistant, I tried install
the latest emacspeak.

The readme file in the archive says:

Emacspeak  Revision 5575:5576
Distribution created by raman on labrador
Unpack the  distribution And type make config
Then type make
See the Makefile for details.

The Makefile in the archive says:

# If you're reading this, then you've already unpacked the tar archive
# and extracted the sources in a directory.
# cd to the  directory where you placed the sources.
# This directory is referred to henceforth as EMACSPEAK_DIR.
# and then type
#    make config
# Now type
#    make emacspeak
# to compile the files, then (as superuser)
#    make install
# to install them.

So I tried it both ways as the directions are slightly different.

But I got this error:

install  -m 644 servers/httpd/tts.tcl
install: cannot stat `servers/httpd/tts.tcl': No such file or directory
make: *** [install] Error 1

There are no files in the
/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/emacspeak/servers/tts.tcl at all.

I'm guessing I have to install tts again and then try "make install" again.


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