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Re: Emacspeak on Ubuntu 8.10: best way to go about it?

David Picón Álvarez writes:
 > Hmm, What I've done so far:
 > Get emacs snapshot, found out whether it works (it does) and get emacspeak 
 > from the website. I've done make config, make emacspeak. All well thus far.
 > However I don't understand how to set up emacspeak to use, say, the espeak 
 > server. I see there is a servers directory and a linux-espeak subdir in it, 
 > with a makefile. I've not been able to make that target successfully (am I 
 > lacking something?). Installed tclx8.4, tcl8.4 and tcl8.4-dev just in case, 
 > but still does not make. I could get a script of the errors, I guess. 
 > Haven't been able to see a lits of prerequisites...
 > Anyway, thanks for any suggestions.
Hello David,

Perhaps the easiest way to get speech going is to download a binary
file statically linked to the flite libraries from 


then copy this file into your emacspeak/servers/ directory.  You will
then have to add the line


to your emacspeak/servers/.servers file, and the lines 

(setq dtk-program "eflite_alsa")
(load-file "<path to your emacspeak

to your .emacs file.  With a bit of luck you should then be able to
start emacspeak with the command


This setup works for me on ubuntu 8.10, but using the emacs 22 package
rather than the emacs snapshot.

I think getting espeak going may be problematic.   I also have the
ibmtts synthesiser working, from voxin.org, but that wasn't
straightforward either.

Hope this helps,


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