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Re: compile errors with linux-espeak speech server

Hash: RIPEMD160

I keep hearing references to tcl 8.3.  Isn't that rather old now? I
thought tcl had gone up to 8.4 or later by now.  I personally don't
follow tcl but it bothers me that some of these packages are stuck on
oldersions of support libraries like tcl.  Sooner or later, the older
packages like tcl 8.3 will no longer be supported or possible not
function in the later environments.

On Tue, Jul 07, 2009 at 04:06:08PM -0500, Robert D. Crawford wrote:
> Daniel Dalton <d.dalton@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> > Nothing seemed to work. I unfortunately spent 4 hours on this with no
> > luck, and don't have any more time to debug it. I ended up using
> > revision 6067 i believe and works well...
> At least you got something to work, though after an update you will
> likely run into issues again.  Sorry I couldn't help.
> rdc
> -- 
> Robert D. Crawford                                      rdc1x@xxxxxxxxxxx
> "You'll pay to know what you really think."
> 		-- J. R. "Bob" Dobbs
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