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Re: emacspeak for windows?

There was experimental work done on such a port several years ago in Japan and I think Watanabe was one of those connected to it. In one of the emacspeak release announcements the wording was such a couple years ago that it gave me the impression that development had succeeded on windows platforms because all 32-bit platforms or something to that effect was noted in that announcement as being supported.

On Wed, 29 Jul 2009, Kalyan Mukherjea wrote:

Hi Jude,
Where did you see any mention of a Windows port of Emacspeak? Unless
it announce the unavailability of such a port now or ever!

If you really need Emacspeak, you will have to migrate to Linux. The
ubuntu distro has a helpful feature for would be immigrants from
Windows. You should try it out.
Jude DaShiell writes:
> Is the port of emacspeak for windows still available?  I have a windows xp
> system that's being reinstalled because it went south on me and figured if
> this version of emacspeak is available by now it would be a good time to
> install and try out.  The machine is a personal machine and the disk that
> holds windows xp is removeable so I'm in a very good position to be able
> to experiment here and now.  I need the information and the download urls
> for this package since I would like to get it installed correctly.
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