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Emacspeak outloud server on Debian Lenny

Hello list,

I'm having trouble getting the outloud server to work on a  clean
install of debian Lenny- or actually vinux, which is a way of getting
an accessible debian install.

So I'm running:

debian lenny
emacspeak 31.0
emacs 23.1.1 

The espeak server built fine, and emacspeak works with espeak.
Outloud (from Voxin) works with orca fine.

The linux-outloud server compiled OK once I'd installed

>From the servers directory,  $ ./outloud speaks the welcome message,
"via voice using alsa"  I had to add the line:

export ECIINI=/var/opt/IBM/ibmtts/cfg/eci.ini

to my .bashrc file to get this to work.

>From the servers directory, $ tcl outloud didn't work until I aliased
tcl to tclsh, but now it does.

So all the outloud tests appear OK, but when I try to change to it
with emacspeak running, I get the message "process speaker not
running".   The same happens if I try to set outloud as the default
tts for emacspeak.  

Any suggestions welcomed.  


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