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Re: emacs crashing

I would also suggest enabling debug on quit so that you can try hitting C=g a
few times and see if that breaks out of whatever is causing issues and dumps a

My suspicion is that its a speech server issues as well. 


Jason White writes:
 > Daniel Dalton <d.dalton@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
 > > The crashes are quite rare, but annoying. I'm ccing the emacspeak list
 > > here too. Has anyone else experienced this behaviour? 
 > I have never experienced this, but it could be your Emacspeak speech server.
 > Try C-e d d and specify the name of the speech server at the prompt, in order
 > to restart it.
 > If it's a server issue, report the details of the speech server you're using
 > to the Emacspeak list and whoever is maintaining it may then be in a position
 > to offer further help.
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Tim Cross

There are two types of people in IT - those who do not manage what they 
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Tim Cross

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