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org-mode agendas and emacspeak


You've already reported this once from memory.

For the record, I'm not presently using org with agenda.

As a long term emacspeak user, you've got a few options:

1. I'm sure you're perfectly capable of writing a patch if you
put your mind to it.

2. You can go back to an older version of org.

3. You can continue asking here and hope someone steps up to the
plate --- personally that would be the least of my own
preferences when faced with this situation, but then we're each  different.
Best Regards,

Best Regards,

On 8/18/10, Bart Bunting <bart@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Is anyone else using org-mode with agendas?
> I am finding that with org mode 7 that emacspeak is not reading the
> agenda correctly, when there is a todo item sometimes when moving over
> it in the agenda emacspeak is only speaking the name of the file and not
> the entire line itself.  If you use c-e l to read the line it is spoken
> correctly.
> Anyone else seeing this?
> Cheers
> Bart
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