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Re: less punctuation with no actual letters loss

Just forgot to mention another strange behavior:

When moving between characters, either with the arrows or with c-f and c-b, emacspeak sometimes simply don't speak some characters when passing over it, so I have to go back and forth for it to speak. This occurs mostly with punctuation signs.

I don't know whether it may be related, but I'm using the Viavoice's Brazilian Portuguese voice, that's my native language, although the Emacs documentation I'm reading is actually in English.


Em 22/8/2010 23:00, Cleverson Casarin Uliana escreveu:
Jason White writes:
Does this still occur if you use a different speech synthesizer, for

To test this, I have to reconfigure emacspeak using dpkg-reconfigure, as
I think the ESpeak server is not compiled yet, and I'm too beginner to
know how to configure it manually. I'll do it tomorrow.

Thanks anyway,


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