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Re: Emacspeak on a Mac

Well, I'm doing this message on my Linux box right now but I'll
capture what I can the next time I run ./mac while on the mac.
Basically, when I installed pysox with easy_install, it appeared to
install OK but I did see some warnings about the ARCH=i386 stuff and
ignoring libraries.  I'm doing this on Lion 10.7.3 on a mac mini with
2GB of memory.  When I ran ./mac is when I got the errors which I will
have to capture for a later message.  What I remember though, was an
error dialog came up with several buttons, one being that a report
could be sent to Apple.  I might have a hard time capturing that
dialog but I thought I had some other errors that were in the
traditional shell.  In any case, I think there were more mentions of
i-386 being invalid architecture so I still think the i386 business is
the core of these problems.

On Sun, Feb 05, 2012 at 10:13:42AM +1100, Bart Bunting wrote:
> Hi Steve,
> I'm afraid to say that this part of the whole process is still a bit
> sketchy.  That is to say the pysox install.
> Both Dave and I have installed it and it was a bit of a struggle the
> first time, although after I reinstalled Lion it just worked with the
> easy_install method.
> Are you able to give some more info on the error you are seeing and the version of OSX?
> Cheers
> Bart

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