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Re: Emacspeak on a Mac

Hi Steve,

The line you paste below, if taken verbatim is incorrect:
q {test 1 2 3]
should be
q {test 1 2 3}

Note the right bracket changed to right brace.

Additionally the "q" command simply queues the text.  To actualy have it
spoken you need to issue the "d" command.

As for the output you are seeing, it is most likely due to the debugging
being turned on in the script.  Look for debug_level or similar near the
top of the mac server.

smac is not relevant, it was an older testing version and should be
removed from the repo.



On Wed, 29 Feb 2012 06:04:03 -0800, Steve Holmes <steve@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I have a correction to make.  While testing ./mac, I hear the phrase
> "emacspeak server" but it turns out I do not hear my input phrase
> spoken.  So if I type 
> q {test 1 2 3]
> and hit enter, and if I redirect output messages to /dev/null, I do
> not hear this test phrase spoken nor anything else for that matter.  I
> was confused by hearing the other messages I wrote about in my
> previous messages.
> So... I don't think ./mac is quite working.  I did see another file
> called smac in the svn pull from e-mac-speak.  Am I supposed to pull
> that over to the emacspeak/servers directory also?
> Sorry for all the confusion here but I guess this is all unchartered
> teritory for me.
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