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Re: Emacspeak in Arch Linux

D.J.J. Ring, Jr. <n1ea@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Frustrated by Debian Rules which don't allow Firefox and Thunderbird
> because of their logos being copyrighted,, I decided to try Arch Linux.

Debian has Iceweasel and Icedove, which are Firefox and Thunderbird,
respectively, without the trademarked material. I'm currently running
Iceweasel/Firefox 17 here, but this isn't the right mailing list to discuss
> Mind you I had found a work around with installing Firefox and Thunderbird,
> but I have heard that the latest GNOME Desktop offers excellent
> accessibility, I went ahead with installing Arch.

It's reputed to be a good distribution.
> GNOME came up nicely - except gdm has a bug but I found a work around.
>  ORCA doesn't work, and I wanted to see if there was an easy way with
> Arch's install system to install the current emacspeak from subversion.
> What a disappointment.  I think I might try Linux From Scratch after this.

So, you couldn't install Emacspeak for reasons that you don't disclose, you
need help to solve the unspecified problems, and moreover your next proposed
move is to install a distribution that holds your hand even less than Arch and
Debian do? I think with all due respect that this is a really effective road
to frustration under the circumstances and I would advise against it.

I would instead suggest working hard to develop your Linux system
administration skills, which will serve you well with Arch, Debian and other

By the way, issues with Arch Linux and Orca have been discussed on the Orca
list and you can find solutions there if you search the archives. If you would
like help to get Emacspeak working then this is the right list on which to
discuss it, but we're not mind readers so you'll have to be very clear about
the technical details of why it won't compile or won't run.

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