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Re: Tabulation problem, possibly a mac speech server bug

This looks to be an issue on the elisp side. Arrowing quickly around your example tablebetween 1 and 2, I never receive a "1" in any form and there's also a suspicious stop sent immediately after the first utterance:

gotline: s
tts_sync_state all 0 0 1 500 
q { [{voice alex}] 
q {2 }
tts_set_punctuations none  

gotline: tts_set_punctuations all  
tts_sync_state all 0 0 1 500

gotline: q { [{voice alex}] 
q {2 }
tts_set_punctuations none  

At Thu, 03 Jan 2013 14:51:52 +1100,
Bart Bunting wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I'm having some troubles with emacspeak-table-display-table-in-region
> and I'm not sure if it is actualy a speech server bug/issue. or
> something else.
> I am hopeing that someone else using the mac server can verify this
> behaviour and someone who is using another speech server can confirm if
> it happens for them or not?
> The simptoms are that when you have used c-e tab to tabulate a region
> and you arrow around roughly every second or so movement is not spoken.
> However if you arrow very slowly, waiting for speech to complete each
> time and then a bit more, everything gets spoken.
> The only other place I've ever noticed something similar is when using
> the calendar.  I never got to the bottom of that issue, but with mac
> speech server speech doesn't stop as expected.
> Any help in verifying where this is happening would be appreciated.
> I am also running the latest version of the mac server from svn.
> Here is a very simple table to test with but anything will work:
> 1    test
> 2    this
> 3    table
> 4    to
> 5    see
> 6    if
> 7    it works
> Kind regards
> Bart
> -- 
> Kind regards
> Bart
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