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Re: Espeak Server not Working for Me

On 04/03/2013 13:23, Steve Holmes wrote:
I think with recent changes to espeak or something, the espeak server
doesn't work on my system anymore.  I get that dreaded "speaker is not
running" when running emacs and when I went to test the server itself,
I got the following error.

I will paste in a script session and I will follow that with proof the
shared library is actually there.

I think its complaining about libtcl8.5.so rather than the tclespeak.so file which you show you have. You should check under /usr/lib to see what libtcl files you have. Is it possible that you've upgraded to TCL8.6 on your system? This happened to me a few weeks ago, I simply changed the tcl version in the makefile for the server and recompiled it.



Script started on Mon 04 Mar 2013 04:49:46 AM PST
steve@xxxxxxxxxxx ~$ /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/emacspeak/servers/espeak
couldn't load file "/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/emacspeak/servers/linux-espeak/tclespeak.so": libtcl8.5.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
     while executing
"load $tclTTS/tclespeak.so"
     (file "/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/emacspeak/servers/espeak" line 514)
steve@xxxxxxxxxxx ~$ exit

Script done on Mon 04 Mar 2013 04:55:01 AM PST

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 18888 May  6  2012 tclespeak.so

What could be missing here?

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